• Anyone enrolled in a New York State 4-H program or club and aged 12-18 is eligible to apply. During the application process we will ask for your name and email address so that we can verify your enrollment status.

    All applications must name at least one youth enrolled in 4-H and an adult partner who works within the New York State 4-H system.

  • The application process is meant to be short and simple. From all the ideas that meet our criteria (see the next question below), we will select 50 ideas randomly to receive funding. The odds of your idea being selected are determined by the total number of applications we receive.

  • We are looking to fund ANY idea you have for making a meaningful contribution. This is intentionally broad. We believe that any idea can be a meaningful contribution,
    Please note that a primary consideration when judging any idea for inclusion in the selection process will be its feasibility - or efforts can be made to advance the idea within a reasonable time. Ideas are not likely to be funded if they cannot be completed within a reasonable timeframe. To be clear: we believe an idea is feasible even if the money will be used to take a step toward a larger goal. The larger goal does not have to be accomplished within the timeframe. Describing how the step moves you closer to a larger goal is appropriate. If you have a feasible idea, your odds of receiving funding are the same as all other applicants.

    Note: we will not fund projects that may reasonably be believed to cause harm to you or others.

  • No, you can only apply once. This means that you cannot apply as an individual and as part of a group; nor can you apply as part of multiple groups. If you are weighing multiple ideas, please consider what contribution is most important to you.

  • Yes, you are welcome to submit as part of a group or collaborative team. Groups that are selected for funding will still receive $200 total. However, please note that each group or collaborative team member must be eligible (see the first question above) to receive funds and will be verified using the eligibility criteria for individuals. If the team is selected for funding, this will disqualify each group member from any other subsequent individual or group submissions that include them.

  • No, every contribution idea that is selected for funding will be awarded $200. These funds will be dispersed to the adult partner you’ve selected to work with on this contribution idea. Of course, it is entirely up to you as to how you allocate these funds as you pursue your contribution.

  • The funding for this project comes from a grant from funding made available to the PRYDE program at Cornell University. Some additional support provided by the Bronfenbrenner Center for Translational Research at Cornell University. The motivation for The Contribution Project is to support young people enrolled in 4-H who are wishing to make meaningful contributions and who could benefit from money as they do so.

  • The application portal officially opens on March 8, 2024. All submissions must be received by the end of the day on March 28, 2024.

  • Congratulations! You will receive a detailed description of how to retrieve your funding via email shortly after being selected. Every student who receives funding from the Contribution Project will be asked to provide us with an update regarding their progress and experience as part of the project.

  • We encourage the mentoring of as many projects as the educator feels comfortable supporting!

  • As a participant’s selected 4-H educator, your role serves two main purposes. Primarily, you will serve as the youth’s mentor and champion throughout this project. We encourage you to meet with your 4-Her to help them think through the details, budget, and timeline of their contribution project. This is first and foremost their project, but you should be there as a guide and as a cheerleader. Your second main role is to serve as a connection between your youth and NYS 4-H. If your participant is selected, the $200 they will receive will be given to you through your county’s extension office. Additionally, there will be opportunities for you to connect with personnel from NYS 4-H to help think through any difficulties that you and your participant come across.